Callum is a top prize winning piper and an R.G. Hardie & Co Champion.
What kind of pipes and chanter do you play?
I play a set of PH2HT Heritage Silver Bagpipes and an R.G. Hardie Infinity Blackwood Pipe Chanter
Where do you hail from? Where do you live now?
I hail from Bo’ness in central Scotland. Currently I live in Dollar, Clackmannanshire, Scotland.
Tell me about your piping career. When did you start? What bands have you played with?
I began receiving tuition to play the bagpipes at the age of 7 from Bert Smith. Other instructs have included Tom Speirs and Willie McCallum. Pipe bands have included playing with Lothian and Borders Police, Shotts and Dykehead, Simon Fraser University and Inveraray and District.
What has been your proudest moment in piping so far?
I have been very fortunate to have won many of the world’s top prizes including both Gold Medals and the Clasp, but my proudest moment was being able to lead my Dollar Academy Novice A band to the Grand Slam, including the World Championships in 2018. Being able to see some youngsters starting out on their piping journey and succeeding is something that cannot be beaten.
What has been your most stressful moment?
Too many to mention!
Who were you taught by?
I began receiving tuition to play the bagpipes, at home, from the age of 7 from Bert Smith. Other instructs have included Tom Speirs and Willie McCallum.
What do you do as a day job?
I teach at Dollar Academy in Scotland. In my role I lead the Novice A band alongside Steven McWhirter. I also teach privately outside of school where I run my business Callum Beaumont Piping.
What other hobbies/pursuits/past times do you have?
I enjoy playing golf and squash. Very much for fun rather than with any skill!
Where is the most interesting place your piping travels have taken you?
Travelling has taken me to many parts of the world including Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand. The most interesting place was taking a group of Dollar Academy students to pipe and drum for the British High Commission in Sri Lanka. A once in a lifetime experience.
What would your most perfect piping event be?
I think that would involve being able to bring back all our legendary pipers, some no longer with us. It would be incredible to see/hear the difference in styles, bagpipe setup etc throughout the decades. Good luck to the judges!